Friday, September 3, 2010

A weekend without plans...

Yes, you read that correctly.  I have no solid plans for the weekend.  I am beside myself with excitement, but because this never happens of course I have many ideas floating through my head of what I want to do.  It includes:
  • Go to the circus
  • have a grill out party with friends
  • watch the Hawks first football game of the season
  • help my friend decorate some walls of her house
  • swim at my parents house
  • do some laundry
  • go shopping
I mean, that doesn't seem too lofty of a list, right?!?!  I don't care what off that list gets done and what doesn't, all I really care about is spending lots of time with my family and RELAXING. 

I. can't. wait.

Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

86 Hearts, 1 Beat

I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing family at our dance studio.  Each year, we have a competition retreat where all the dancers gather for a night of fun, friendship, and focus for the upcoming season.  It is always a highlight of the year - and this year was no different!

The girls had such a wonderful time getting to know each other, creating cheers and posters, eating lots of junk food, and just having fun together.  They were up most of the night and us adults enjoyed our time sitting in the hallway laughing and having a great time together!

Here are some pictures :)