Watching the inauguration today was even more special for me because I was blessed to be able to share the experience with my 5th grade class. The entire election process has been exciting for them. We spent alot of time discussing the candidates and their opinions on many different issues. We watched very closely on election day - and we celebrated when the results came in. And today, we watched as President Obama was sworn in. They clapped and cheered when they were excited, they listened very carefully and absorbed what they could of his speech, they stood and they sang - I have to tell you, I had tears in my eyes.
Again, whether I agree or disagree with the outcome of the election, it was simply amazing to me that those 27 students will never, ever forget where they were when they watched Barack Obama become the 44th President. They will never forget what they saw, or what we talked about, or how they felt...and I stand in constant amazement that I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of that...and that it's my job to be a part of it.
I have the greatest job in the world. :)