Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful Thanksgiving - part 2

I have really enjoyed looking for reasons to be thankful this month.  Someone once told me that "what you see, largly depends on what you're looking for" - and I certainly don't have to look far to find blessings around me.

Today, I'm thankful for these two amazing people:
My parents are the definition of unconditional love.  They have told me since I can remember that I could do anything I put my mind to.  It is through them and because of them that I am living out my dream each and every day.  In addition to being my parents - they are my friends and they have "adopted" many of my friends to be their "children".  Many weekends their house is filled with people who love them.  And did I mention, they are the "parents" to the entire Above the Barre family as well - 300 kids, their families, and the entire staff consider them to be mentors - our bosses, our inspiration, and our friends.  They are two of the most selfless people I have ever met in my life and I feel privledged that I truly enjoy spending time with them because they're just plain cool.  :)

My mother is simply put, inspirational.  She works like 22 hours a day every day and still has time to be a wife, parent, and Oma.  I really am not sure how she does it.  Even though she is beyond busy, she is never to busy to set everything aside to look you in the eye and offer her wise advice or a listening ear.  She spoils us rotton and believes in me even when I don't believe in myself.  She pushes me to be better and encourages me to see perspectives I hadn't thought of.  I dream of being her one day.

I feel like the luckiest lady around to have this man for my father.  He spent his life taking care of Kim and I and has set a standard that our husbands struggle to keep up with.  It is, in fact, a true story that my father would drive across town (20ish minutes) early in the morning after a snow storm just to scrape our car windows while we were in college.  He is the most selfless man I have ever met and he would give the shirt right off his back if someone needed it without thinking for a moment.  Out of every role he has ever played in his life, I'm quite confident he found his new favorite one about 5 years ago when he bacame an OPA.  His eyes just light up when Sam, Maicey, or Kaitlyn walk in the room.  He takes an active interest in each of their lives and makes them feel like the most important people in the world.  I know they will grow up to relish in his attention - I know Opa Day is currently a family favorite!  :)

I am serious when I say that on weekends, Kim, Rob, Kevin & I choose to spend time with our parents because they are so cool!  We laugh with them and enjoy telling stories.  Rarely does a day go by when I don't talk to one or both of them at least once per day.  I hope that Kevin and I can be the kind of parents they are someday to our children because they did a pretty great job - they raised two successful kids who love nothing more than their families and eachother - I'd consider that to be my definition of success.


Sandy said...

What a wonderful tribute to your parents. I would have to agree that they are two very special people. You are so lucky to have them, and most of your extended family in the same town. What a unique, compassionate, hard-working, fun group. Your children will be greatly blessed by the close knit family they are being raised in.
I miss all of you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Aunt J. said...

You make me cry, Kate. You're not 'spose to do that!!