Sunday, January 23, 2011

So what...

Alright, to be honest I've logged in like 20 times to do a post, but the truth is that I have so much to blog about I'm not even sure where to begin.  So, tonight I'm saying "so what" to the following things...

So what if:
  • It's been 2 months since my last post
  • I go to my own blog every day for no other reason than to click on the "blogs I like" sidebar
  • I've spent the last hour on my new favorite blog:
  • Because of the bullet above I have now added a completely new section to my 2011 goals which includes approximately 45 new organizing tasks for the Rokusek residence
  • I'm beyond baby crazy {no, I am not pregnant}
  • I spent the entire day at my parents house watching football and from my estimation consumed well over 2500 calories today
  • I'm slightly more excited than I should be to go to work tomorrow because more than 1/2 my class was trash-talking my Packers last week and I can now drop a few "how 'bout them Packers" tomorrow
  • It's January 23rd and I have only crossed one thing off my 2011 goals {get a library card for the city I live in rather than the city I grew up in}
  • While I love when the Packers win, I detest the entire rest of the day because hubs insists on watching Sports Center for hours on end to watch and rewatch and then talk and re-talk about every.solitary.second of the game that ended 5 hours ago {sigh}
  • I have penciled in a new section of my planner called "Blog" and have planned out what I will be blogging about for the next 9 solid days
  • I'm convinced I'm the only person reading this blog


kimmy12184 said...

I'm reading :) I still have my bettendorf library card too ... is that bad?!

Sandy said...

There are two of us reading! Glad you're back.

ang11rock said...

Make that three readers! I have to say, I'm not sure you need to be looking at other blogs or sites to find more things you need to be doing! I'm exhausted just reading your list!