Favorite picture from the entire day. Hilarious.
Hugs for Kevin's parents
"Maicey, if Mommy gives you a cookie will you go down the aisle?"
Just waiting to start the wedding. (side note: Not sure what I would've done without Gretchen and Kat, my amazing personal attendants. They were wonderful!)
Such a bizarre feeling. I just kept thinking "is this really happening?" My dad looked so handsome in his tux. I know this was a day of mixed feelings for him - but he was my rock.
Surrounded by our greatest blessings.

Proof of the kneeling mentioned here...
With this ring, my dreams come true. :)
Smiling at our nephew Sam, who from the 2nd pew was giving us a big thumbs up with a huge grin. An image of our wedding day etched in my mind forever.

Proof of the kneeling mentioned here...

Maicey during the recessional - it's hard to be the flower girl.

This looks amazing - until someone forgets to LET GO of their popper and then you have to be untangled from them as your are being choked. Real cool friends.
Our beautiful cake :)
The boys. Minus Barry. He was likely getting his hair braided or something. Nope, not kidding even a little.
They are ahhhh-mazing. Every single one of them.
By the 'ol Mississippi. What you can't see is the pile of beers and other various adult beverages which we were required to put down to take this picture. Good times.
...and there's the Nerf gun. Priceless.
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Kitty with Gab & Gracie. So cute.
Our first dance. Michael Buble "Hold On".
Giving Sam a big thumbs up - he was giving us another one while we were dancing. God, I love that kid.
This is the group of kids from the studio who were watching us while we were dancing. I am so blessed by them and was so glad they were there to help us celebrate. I love them. :)
I am so in love with him.

My in-laws during the wedding party dance.
Kevin & Kaitlyn and me & my dad during the father-daughter dance. :)
How disgusting. My feet were SO dirty and sore. Might as well have a picture to remember...
I can FINALLY sit down. She captured me right as I was getting my feet up. It doesn't look pretty, but it felt so good!!
I can honestly admit, I had no idea they did this. Never knew they were gone. Not a clue until I saw this picture.
Kevin with my cousin's husband, Dan. This was taken right after the "cousin talk" - which includes all the male cousins in our family having a short discussion with whomever just married into our crazy Murphy family. I'm not allowed in the circle, since I'm not a boy - but from what I hear it usually goes a little something like, "we love her, we like you, but if you hurt her, we will kill you"...fun, huh? Kevin enjoyed the talk, however was slightly afraid as he's pretty sure because of Dan's military experience, he wasn't really kidding. Ohhhh, I love them.

My mom and her siblings at the end of the night.
I don't have words to describe how amazing this day was. I loved every single second and wish it would've lasted forever. I will never forget all the amazing people we were surrounded by, the love we were showered with, and the feeling in my heart for my new husband. Dreams really do come true. :)

This looks amazing - until someone forgets to LET GO of their popper and then you have to be untangled from them as your are being choked. Real cool friends.

My in-laws during the wedding party dance.

These are my cousins from the other side. Tom was at the reception, however he was grabbing another drink and missed the picture. Only one of the eight of us missing, my oldest cousin Dan couldn't be there.

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